L'oiseau rebelle

Love is a rebellious bird that cannot be tamed

Boycott Sunday, January 15, 2006

As some of you may know, I don't really hang out with the Singaporean group here. I have my group of Singaporean friends, but I rarely ever attend SSA events. In fact, the only events I've ever attended is my freshie orientation and Chinese New Year dinners. Despite almost living on a different planet from most of the Singaporeans studying here, I always thought it was great to keep up with friends and acquaintances, and my group of friends make up an entertaining table.

This year, I had doubts about attending the event, since most of my friends are either out of town around CNY, or have already graduated. And in an ironic twist, M can't make the event because he'll be in, of all places, Singapore.

What struck the nail into the coffin, however, is the email sent out by the organizers - with "Singaporeans only" scrawled all over it.


Sure, there might be limited seating available, but still, WTF????

For many years the event has been open to anyone who wishes to attend, the venue is still the same, why the change?????????

Even if the "rule" is unenforcable, but in principle, WTF??????

What about those people whose significant others are not Singaporean? A fellow Chinese would want to celebrate the event with the SO, whilst a non-Chinese would want to learn about Chinese customs if the relationship is serious.

I hate flogging the dead horse yet again, but even after writing this and this, I could never think up of such an insular action and attitude.

According to a friend who is/used to be (I'm not too sure which) pretty involved in the SSA, the event is organized by the freshies, who are so cliquish and insular that they hardly mix with the Singaporean seniors.

So I'm definitely not attending the event.

L'oiseau rebelle 1:31 PM Permalink | |

Location: United States


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